Keep up with the latest in WHS and compliance.

3 Ways You Can Hire for a Safer Workplace
As a business leader, it’s vital that you feel confident in the abilities of your workers. Not only do you need them to be able to do the job competently, you need them to adhere to safety regulations and best practices to ensure WHS compliance at all times.

Solving the 3 Biggest Challenges Faced by Health and Safety Professionals
Health, safety and environment (HSE) professionals most certainly have their work cut out. Every day they are responsible for maintaining a safe working environment and protecting your workers. That means assessing hazards, putting control measures in place and continually monitoring performance.

Stuck in a Safety Rut? How to Find the Motivation for Change
As a leader, no doubt you’re well aware of the importance of safety in the workplace. But, is it something that is always front of mind, do you continually push to make improvements, or are you stuck in a safety rut?

The Most Common Problem Faced by WHS Officers
Workplace health and safety (WHS) officers have a strict and uncompromising responsibility to both workers and the workplaces they are employed in. Their main focus is the prevention of accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses in the workplace.

Aged Care Homes - How to Keep Workers Safe
Across the globe, aged care homes have been at the centre of the coronavirus pandemic, and Australia is no exception. As of the 8th June 2020, there were 99 cases of COVID-19 among people receiving Australian Government-subsidised aged care, and in recent weeks Victoria, in particular, has seen a sharp rise in cases of COVID-19, with many attributed to the virus spreading in workplaces - including aged care homes.

Why Safety Management is Vital to Your Organisation
If you care about your business and the people that work within it, you need to have measures in place to protect their safety, your liability and your reputation. Unfortunately, accidents can happen.

Resuming Operations During COVID-19 – What’s your plan?
As COVID-19 begins to retreat (and I say that cautiously), organisations across the world are looking at how to resume operations fast and efficiently. However, while the risk is now lower than it was before, the experts seem to think that COVID-19 is something we are going to have to learn to live and work with for a good while longer.

How Social Distancing Should Work at Your Site
As COVID-19-related restrictions are eased across the country, we are facing the challenge of returning to work while retaining social distancing measures. As business leaders, this is our opportunity to get back on track, resuming key projects that have been on hold.

What Does it Mean to be Workplace Health and Safety Compliant?
We all have a right to be safe at work, whatever our role. However, ensuring that happens involves understanding and accepting government legislation as well as demonstrating a true organisational wide commitment to safety.

COVID-19 and its Broader Impact on the Health and Safety of Your Workforce
In the last few months, the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted people all over the world. The outbreak continues to unfold daily, having already delivered a devastating blow to the Australian economy. Let there be no mistake about the facts of our current situation.

Survive or Thrive? What is Your Safety Leadership Style?
As a safety leader, you are the key to creating culture in your organisation. And, the culture you create will be founded on the mindset that you foster in your employees. You have the power to encourage a safety culture that merely survives, or you could encourage one that actually thrives.

Strategies for Improving Health and Safety in the Workplace
One of the most important aspects of running a business should be workplace health and safety. It is the responsibility of the organisation to have processes in place to manage the prevention of work-related injuries, incidents and diseases. It is vital that both managers and employees understand the importance of safety.

What is the Real Difference Between an Accident and an Incident?
The world of workplace health and safety is filled with terminology, acronyms and definitions. Amongst the terms that are used within the workplace to describe health and safety, incidents and accidents are extremely common and often interchanged. In most cases, they indicate the level of damage that results from a workplace occurrence.

How to Carry Out a WHS Risk Assessment
As a business leader, you have an obligation to maintain a safe and healthy work environment. While that looks different for every organisation, what it will no doubt include is carrying out workplace health and safety (WHS) risk assessments.

How to Write an Effective Incident Report
While we all like to think that they’ll never happen to us, incidents are a certainty. What makes a difference, however, is how your business deals with them. By taking all incidents seriously and documenting them, you are demonstrating to your employees that you are trying to cultivate a safety culture.

What Can We Learn From Workplace Accidents?
Over the last couple of months, just in Sydney alone, there have been multiple news stories about workplace accidents. These have been extremely serious, with severe injuries and even deaths. We all like to think it will never happen to us or at our workplace, but surely the recent events show us that it easily could.

Don’t Let Workplace Health and Safety Become Redundant - Fight Complacency
Many things compromise workplace health and safety, our level of training, our understanding of regulatory compliance and our overstretched budgets, to name but a few. But, one of the biggest enemies of workplace health and safety is, in fact, complacency.

Is Your Employee Suffering from ‘Burnout’?
We’ve all felt stressed and overwhelmed at work. We live in an always-on society, with constant emails, texts and push notifications alongside the pressure of meeting deadlines and delivering on expectations forcing us to work harder, faster and smarter.

When it comes to Workplace Safety, is Common Sense Sensible?
Recently, I posted an image on LinkedIn that displayed the quote, “When it comes to safety, common sense is the friend of compliance”, and asked for people’s thoughts. Over the next few hours, I received a tirade of comments that were ‘passionate’ to say the least.

WHS Audits - The Who, What and Why
Workplace health and safety (WHS) audits are often dreaded, striking fear into managers and employees alike. But remember, audits aren’t trying to catch us out or expose our failings, their purpose is, ultimately, to help protect our workers.